I first met Jessi a number of years ago through one of our long time mutual friends . Over the years our paths would cross and I was more than ecstatic when she asked me to photograph her wedding. We met up one afternoon at a local coffee shop and I was introduced to her fiance Adam. We talked about their upcoming big day and two things really stood out; their love for God and Adam’s love of baseball. A love that has become such a big part of their relationship that it was only fitting that their reception be held at beautiful Fluor Field in downtown Greenville, SC. From crackerjacks to cornhole, a rapping groom, and a dance party under the lights of the Greenville skyline, James and I had such a good time working with Jessi, Adam,and their loving families! We wish them all the best and know that their strong faith will have them hitting homeruns for years to come! Adam and the guys get ready... Time for the first look :) After a quick ride on the trolley back to the field its time to party!