In my very first job as a fresh-faced teacher out of university, I had the wonderful privilege of working at the best elementary school in BC! There, I got to teach, and learn from all my wonderful students. Including the incredibly talented Alex, who was accepted at one of the most prestigious universities in North America for design. It was great hanging out with him in the Big Apple!
Here are some of our favourite images from our shoot with him in the city - so hard to pick less than a dozen!
Can you tell he's taking courses in fashion? (He gave Chris a few good tips!)
And last , but not definitely not least, one Alex said he thought "his mom would really like."
This one is for you, Cathy!
Thanks, Alex! It was so great to see you again & I can't wait to see what success lies ahead for you!
Chris and I love doing innovative portrait sessions - if you or someone you know might be interested in having a ME photo-shoot, let us know. And keep an eye out for our new teen website especially for Senior School students - coming in Fall 07!