Yesterday I was tagged twice for the Green Tag game and October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. So I decided to pull double color duty on this post. Not to mention I kinda like the green & pink combo (obviously as my logo suggests).
First, the Green:
1. We have all energy efficient lightbulbs in this house (home office).
2. I use my market totes and green bags when I go shopping rather than taking plastic bags.
3. I don't leave my office to run a quick errand. I wait until I have at least 3 errands to run so that I don't drive unnecessarily.
4. Rather than print all the pictures out that my clients send me and I send them, we post to a blog and send the vendors (floral & lighting designers, invitation designers, etc.) a link to preview our ideas.
5. Power out! Everything gets turned off when not in use. Cell phone and laptop chargers get unplugged; computers, printers and fax machines are turned off. No spinning fans in rooms without people, and open windows rather than lightbulbs during daylight hours.
Now the pink:
How about a little eye candy? Here are a few photos from Keri's table mock-up. Keri is getting married next month at a beachfront park in Naples and then having a brunch wedding. Her colors are Perfect Pink, Sage Green, and Chocolate.