Monday, 28 April 2008
News Flash: Target Dollar Spot
Longtime readers of this blog know that we love Target’s Dollar Spot as a cheap place to load up on great stuff for your out of town bags. (See Out of Town Bags)
Friday, 25 April 2008
Not quite frosty, but pretty darn cold...and rain that makes Vancouver seem like the desert! Not exactly the kind of weather Maureen and Rick expected for their Florida afternoon garden party wedding but nothing, not even the elements forcing them indoors at the last minute, could dampen their spirits!
A dry morning at the mansion.
But the rain soon began... no worries, it couldn't keep the smile off Rick's face.
And Maureen was serene and beautiful.
Hoping until the last minute that perhaps the sun would break through the dark clouds, instead the what surely must qualify as a monsoon began. And the ceremony ultimately took place inside. And guess what? It didn't matter! Maureen and Rick's day reminded everyone that what weddings are really all about isn't the scenery, or the flowers, or the table linens, or the chair covers.
It's about the love.
And moments like this.
And emotion like this.
And the meaning of this.
After all, this is what weddings are really about ~ that oh-my-gosh, butterflies-in-my tummy, world-spinning, crazy-in-love, did-we-really-do-it-yes-we-did-we're-married feeling of pure joy.
The raindrops kept coming but Rick carried Maureen over the (huge & muddy)puddles and we found some (semi) dry spots to take some portraits of the happy couple.
Luckily, the porch was big and sheltered so we could get some classic family formals.
And catch some lovely moments too.
The rain finally stopped and we headed down to the pier.
And then the couple took off in their very cool vintage Fiat. Which sometimes needs some help to get going. Rick's buddy Jon has definitely set the bar high for groomsmen this season with his pushing and piggybacking ability!
Congratulations Maureen & Rick!
Monday, 21 April 2008
Reality Check – Too Much of a Good Thing?
And you’re thinking it would be a good idea to infuse the theme into [fill in the blank here.] It could your birthday, your holiday plans or just about anything.
There is too much of a good thing. Having a beach themed bridal shower/bachelorette party may intrigue you, but resist the urge. You are thrilled about your European wedding, but resist the urge for an Italian themed Thanksgiving. You CAN go over the top in theming.
This hit home for us recently when a friend invited us to a party. The party was, you guessed it, beach themed. The bride-to-be was so thrilled with her upcoming destination wedding in Jamaica that she decked out the party with reggae, Bob Marley, jerk chicken and about every other Jamaican cliché. It was a party, not her wedding.
The same can also be true at your actual destination wedding. Just because you’re in an Italian villa doesn’t mean everyone needs to act like extras in The Godfather. Just because your nuptials are on some tropical island, doesn’t mean that you need to decorate EVERYTHING in seashells.
Your friends and family are excited for you. And they want to be a part of your special day. Just keep your excitement in check.
Sunday, 20 April 2008
It's Gettin' Hot in Here!
I’ve seen more than my fair share of completely drenched male wedding party members; and I may have finally figured out a way to at least make it a little more comfortable for these guys and the photos alot more, ummmm, dry.
How about a change of clothes? Even better, make the change of clothes a gift!
Well before the wedding, purchase all the guys in the wedding party matching shirts that they can change into at the reception after all the formalities and formal photos are complete. This way they still look like members of the wedding party, because they’re all uniform; but at the same time, they are dry and feel oh so much better. Photographs will be “drier” longer into the evening, and they walk away with a nice new shirt that will always remind them of the best party they ever attended. If you want to step it up a notch, have their names or initials embroidered. Perhaps even the date.You can give each of the guys their gifts at the rehearsal dinner. To make things convenient, gift wrap the outfits in a tagged bag that is large enough to hold their suit jackets and wet shirts. Have your wedding planner take the bags and shirts after the rehearsal dinner. Then she can stash the bags under the table at each guys seat so that when they’re ready to make the change, it will be somewhere easy to find, and they’ll have a bag ready to collect all their stuff.
Monday, 14 April 2008
A Simple Destination Wedding
However, we found a YouTube video (below) for simple destination weddings (hat tip to LaQuinta South Padre Island, Texas). Slowly, it dawned on us that there is a market out there for very, very, very simple destination weddings. OK, we’re a bit appalled that the minister didn’t really have the bride and groom’s names nailed and seemed to stumble through the ceremony, but maybe that’s what this couple wanted.
In our book, this qualifies more as an elopement than a true destination wedding. However, we post it here because as we researched our own destination wedding, many resorts sold this kind of a wedding as a “destination wedding.”
Frankly, some were even worse…offering only a tape recorded ceremony that is played back with the appropriate pauses for the bride and groom to announce their names, etc. We find these kind of Vegas-esque “ceremonies” to be ghastly and appalling. And yet there is a market out there for them.
So... the whole point of this posting is to be sure you really investigate that you are getting the kind of destination wedding you want. Don’t assume that the terminology means the same thing to everyone. Ask probing questions. And, if at all possible, try to do a visit of your destination in advance and observe someone else’s wedding.
This simple destination wedding could be what you are getting:
Monday, 7 April 2008
The Essence of Destination Weddings
Essentially, these young women capture the essence of a destination wedding. Do you want to get married in a stodgy church? Or do you want to do something fun?
View the YouTube video:
Thursday, 3 April 2008
How many people to get bride-ified?
1st, there is the support team:

Thank you Julie Goodacre for the awesome photos!
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
First, one for the parents - there's nothing like a classic BW portrait.
Then it was scooter time. A teeny bit dangerous, but a whole lot of fun.
A LOT of fun - here's my fav spread from their album.
A little splashing by the ocean. I just love the natural joy on their faces in this image.
The sun went down quickly - good thing we love to shoot at this time of night!
Kris chose this one for a humungous print to hang in the entrance hall of their new home - doesn't he have great taste? :) Environmental portraits look so good as big beautiful wall art.
Laughter, love, and a little bit of silliness just go well together dontcha think? We had some of each in a funky South Beach hotel room. Another fun spread from their album.
These two are so in love.
Add to that sharing lots great conversation & delicious dishes at China Grill & it was a great day! Yup, we're spoiled. Thanks guys!