Saturday, 20 May 2006

It's been a few days! I had a mid-week wedding and it made for a weird schedule. It was such a beautiful wedding though.
I received a wedding invitation today. It was obviously a do it yourself invitation gone terribly wrong. The ink had smeared, there were typos, and well, it didn't make me very excited about the wedding. Please keep in mind that DIY invitations can be amazing. A couple tips:
Invest the time and money into to them to be sure that you are giving the impression that you want to be received
Make sure you cover all your bases (who, what, when, where)
Have clean fingers when assembling
Think outside of the box
Customize and personalize
The most amazing invitation I ever received was an actual flip flop with little cards (had all the wedding info) tied on with raffia. The response card was a postcard from the wedding location. The flip flop came to my mailbox in shrink wrap! It was the neatest invitation, and I can't wait to go to the wedding.
So today I have spent some time cleaning my office. Not enough time, but enough to share the above picture with you. That's the pretty part of the office. Notice there isn't a desk in view and you can't see inside the closet. There is good reason for that.
I also spent some time chatting with some other wedding planners across the country. It's amazing the differences in weddings between here and Philadelphia, Denver, and Williamsburg. If anyone plans on getting married in one of those cities, feel free to send me a message- I know a great wedding planner or 2...
Okay, I don't have too much to say today. So ciao for now.
Todays link: Great invitations!