Gwen & Rico's day was so full of smiles and laughter. Both of them have such an exuberance for life and genuine love for each other. We met the couple through the fabulous Yendi+Pat so we knew their wedding day was going to be a blast!
G+R were so much fun, we have literally hundreds and hundreds of favourites from their day! So hard to pick, but here's a few!
Getting ready...

And looking radiant.

Moments before the aislewalk.

The ring-bearer.

Tilt-shift at the ceremony? Why not? :)

Kate+Niko: these two cutie-pies took their jobs very seriously.


Showing the love - Rico and his best man Fred.

All the boys.

Gwen & her girls.

A beautiful bouquet,

For a beautiful bride.

Told you these guys had energy!

I think this image is classic Vancouver - we always try to evoke a sense of place in our images.

The reception was filled with lots of tears and laughter, but when Gwen's sister sang to them as the couple had their first dance together, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Pat+Cyrus+Crown=guaranteed rowdiness!

And the party continued long into the night! Congrats G+R!