Thursday, 12 February 2009

Wedding Planner Interview for Brides

I came across this while I was archiving my emails late last night and I thought that it would be great to share with brides. It is by far one of the most thorough interviews I was ever asked to complete. After I sent it back to the potential client, we had a phone consult, which we could use to talk more about her wedding- so efficient. I should have known; turns out she was an event planner.
1. Is wedding planning your only job?
2. How many clients do you have right now?
3. How many weddings have you planned & designed, start to finish?
4. How many weddings have you planned and executed in the last 24 months?
5. How many weddings have you coordinated (wedding day coordination)in the last 24 months?
6. Who were the last 4 photographers you worked with?
7. What venues have you worked at in the last 6 months?
8. Can I get a recommendation from one of your last 4 full service clients?
9. Can I get a recommendation from one of your last 4 coordination clients?
10. Where can I see samples of your creative or design work? And are all the pictures on your website weddings that you planned?
11. Are contracts with vendors with my name or yours?
12. Do you only work with select vendors or at select locations?
13. Have you ever worked for the venues you now plan weddings at?
14. Do you accept any kick-backs or commissions?
15. Do you offer invitation etiquette assistance?
16. Can I order any products from you, such as linens, invitations, and chairs?
17. How quickly can I expect replies to phone calls and emails?
18. Do you have assistants that will be helping at my wedding day? How many?
19. Will you be on site the entire length of my wedding day?
20. Are your rates negotiable?

Want to know my answers? Check back tomorrow!