Sunday, 10 May 2009

Mother of the bride, Mother of the Groom.

Your mom should be this happy at your wedding.
Photo credit: Impressions Photography

When it comes to weddings, let's face it, the mom subject can be touchy. So here's just a few things I've learned over the years that I think will make your wedding experience great for everyone. Come wedding day your moms will be so happy, and feel like honored guests.

1. Decide early on (as in pre-engagement party)who will have what roles. Take the moms out for coffee or lunch individually and tell them what level of involvement you'd like them to have in the planning, by asking them for their involvement in specific tasks.
2. Don't ask for help with planning everything. Why? Because once you open that door it can't be shut without hurting someones feelings. You're best off asking for help and or opinions as the need arises.
3. I'm a mom. If my daughters don't involve me in some way I would be so hurt. Don't do this to your mother. Bring the moms together occasionally and give them updates over lunch if they aren't involved in the planning. Special notes to my daughters: I will not have this discussion with you for at least 12 more years. Don't even think about it.
4. Include his mom in something individually during the planning. This is crucial. Make sure she knows all about what you're planning before the rehearsal. I can not stress this enough, how important it is.
5. On wedding day make certain that the moms are paid special attention. This means having a server at the cocktail hour and reception 100% dedicated to parents. Give your venue coordinator their favorite drinks before wedding day so that they can wow them and make sure they are offered every single butlered item.
6. Make absolutely sure that your photographer spends time with both moms and you and your husband individually. This is a BIG deal.