Saturday, 29 August 2009

The Mothers Tea

An idea I just love the thought of. As you know, gathering for tea is all the rage. Although I suppose the words "rage" and "tea" are kind of conflicting. Anyway.
So I was sitting here this morning drinking my chai while writing a proposal for a glorious Naples Beach wedding weekend next spring. While listing out all the events planned, I felt like something was missing. In this case, the mother of the bride has been my contact. In fact, I have a feeling she and I will be doing most of the planning together as the bride is quite busy with work. It just seemed to me that the moms so frequently get left out of it after all the work involved in planning. With that, I am inspired to plan for this client
The Mothers Tea.
I imagine it as a small gathering of the ladies: moms & sisters of the bride & groom, grandmas, aunts, moms best friend, and the bride. Maybe also the bridal party if the moms are close to these girls too. I think the event should be hosted by the bride & groom.Its a great opportunity to really spend some quality time with the ladies of the family your moms are closest to, and also to have them all get to know each other and of course its an opportunity to wear a great hat. This would also be a wonderful time to gift your moms with something special for the wedding day, perhaps a piece of jewelry, handkerchief, or clutch?

Do you like the idea? I sent my dear friend Risa of the Partea Planner a message today, hoping she'll send me some photos to share. You can check out her website for Partea inspiration.

Photo credit: the always fabulous Hilary Hopkins