Sunday, 13 December 2009

Centerpieces that grow. Literally

Last week was Melissa & Brandon's wedding out at South Seas.  Melissa made it a priority to make her wedding as eco-friendly and charitable as possible, and so I wanted to do my part too.  For her rehearsal dinner centerpieces I purchased these incredibly cute Bella Palms- tropical and tiny enough to be on a table top.

Of course, I find the fake (plastic) terra cotta pot they come in not so table-top-fabulous.  So I placed the pots into a glass cylinder filled with these red kidney beans.

What I did not expect is that when I got them home and removed them from the cylinder that they would get weeds while sitting on my lanai.  For those who don't know me...I am not the green thumb or dirt type.  Not even a little.  I was ready to just toss these cutie pie palms out when I looked a little closer.
Those aren't weeds...they're little Kidney bean plants!  They had managed to germinate in just one weeks time and are already a foot tall!  How funny.

 So does anybody want some Kidney Beans?  I have about 13 seedlings. HA!