Sunday 10 June 2012

engaged and inspired, vol 3

I often post my real weddings in series rather than a single post because I feel like its important to show how collectively it fits all together, how a wedding is someone's story. Simply because its not just about the brides bouquet, the cake and a beautiful couple.
That said, here's more of my Engage12 story (Vol 1 & 2 here):
Inspired by great company: These are just a few of the most amazing people I spent time with at Engage this year. These women are rising stars in the wedding industry. In other words, they know their stuff and should be on your short lists. (L to R): Photographer Carla Ten Eyck, me, Stationery Designer Nichole Michel, Event Designer Candice Coppola, Couture boutique owner & Stylist Beth Chapman,  Stationery & Brand Designer Heidi Bartlett, Wedding & Event Planner Rachel Troyan, and Photographer Laura Grier.
Inspired by gorgeous shoes and backdrops: So they had this cool announcer guy every time a new speaker was coming to the stage or it was time for a break.  Yeah, they announced "This break is sponsored by Jimmy Choo" and I literally tossed my seat at my session neighbor Kathy Romero and took off running in my four inch not Jimmy Choo heels prepared to make an immediate exchange.  Alas, there was only one of every shoe. The backdrop on the speaker stage had my head spinning with ideas from the moment I saw it.  Another one of those unexpected takeaways that is going to make a difference at someone's wedding this year.
I am inspired by Sharon Sacks: Talk about someone with heart. Sharon's talk was so invigorating to me.  And then I was fortunate enough to have lunch with her just a couple hours later. Let me just say that lunch was not long enough.   I personally felt like I could only be 100% real and honest with her.  The best part, without warning, she made each of us speak an honest goal. Out loud.  OUT LOUD. I'm not sure I've ever done that before and boy did it feel great. She responded to everything that each of us at her table and instilled confidence. I left feeling really good about where I was headed. Thank you for that Sharon.
Inspired by Liene Stevens: Liene has figured out how to translate data into creative speak for those of us who don't always know how to interpret it or what to do with it.  In other words, she has found a way to explain what our clients are doing and looking for so that we as creatives can be more in tune behind the scenes.  What does that mean?  It means I'm going to produce better weddings because I am aware of more.  She deserves alot of credit.  I am going to be quite bold here and say that if you have not invested any time into her website you are making a mistake. Go now (well not now, because I'm still telling my story, but when you finish.)  Then go here to get the report that will clear a few things up for you.  Now if you ever have the opportunity to sit with her for a minute or two you will quickly find that you really want to have a cocktail with her.  Liene is nice, she's nice and authentic and quirky and herself.
I am inspired by Jacin Fitzgerald: I don't even know exactly when I connected with Jacin but I know that I could not wait to finally meet her an Engage!12.  Here's the thing about Jacin, she has an eye and I really like her view.  Jacin does pretty.  These days it seems like its a bit more difficult to find designers who are impeccable at creating "pretty".  I am inspired by even her instagrams. I'm an instagram addict by the way.  If you're lucky enough to be marrying in California or New England, perhaps give her website a look and give her a call.
I am inspired even when I am FREEZING cold: Note that I am forever wrapped up in a pashmina.  Apparently the Engage!12 team gets this and always includes wraps in the swag bags and always has fresh coffee & tea right outside the door.
Do you know when is another great time to include a pashmina?  In your guests welcome bags or in a basket at a gorgeous dinner party on the beach of the Gulf of Mexico. 

Inspired by Matthew Robbins:  I bought his book about a week before Engage! and didn't put it down until I was forced to.  What I loved about it (besides the gorgeous images) was that it opened my eyes to something I wasn't looking for.  Those are the best books aren't they?  Matthew's talk reinforced the ideas in his book - ask questions, make it personal.

One more volume to go!  Did you catch volumes one and two? Better yet, have you registered for Engage! 12 Breakers?  Oh, and have you noticed how great all the images are on these posts?  Thank you to Elan Artists ReadyLuck and Scott Clark Photography for capturing and sharing so many great moments. These guys were everywhere for 3 days straight documenting everything and everyone  so that it wouldn't be a blur of happiness (Which I also highly recommend doing for destination weddings).