Wednesday 27 November 2013

From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! Oh, and get ready for the questions.

This is my family: Kelly, Emily, Madeline and I.  Krista over at Impressions Photography took this photo for us a few weeks ago.  I am thankful for her years of friendship and professional expertise. I am thankful for this amazing family that I have. Sometimes Kelly helps with weddings. Mostly when I forget something at the studio and he has to drive it out to me last minute.  Madeline has assisted at nearly a dozen weddings now.  She's grown up with it...she already knows so much.  But it still amazes me how proactive she is on wedding days. Emily keeps our family in check, I don't know how we'd get through the wedding weeks sometimes- she always has a plan for everything (and a grocery list texted to us when the pantry is empty and nobody noticed).

So it's the start of the holiday season.  Over the next 6 weeks you will see so many of your close family and friends and they will all have 2 common things for you: Questions and opinions.  Your wedding will without doubt be the topic of the season.  To prepare, decide in advance what you're willing to talk about, and what you want to keep a surprise.  The best thing you can do is to speak about your excitement but not give away to many details.  Especially because the more you give the more "advice" you're given and will be expected to take!  It can be overwhelming, but be "Thankful" for this great period that you are celebrating your engagement.