Tuesday, 11 December 2007

You said the funniest thing

I got the funniest emails today. Must be something in the air. These made me laugh the hardest:

Smiley bride works not 1/2 mile from the biggest outlet mall in the world (slight exaggeration). She called me today and said she couldn't find any shoes to buy.

Boogie down bride emailed me asking for "my blessing" on a musician for her welcome reception. Yeah, I did get ordained online, but I don't think that means I can bless anything.

Typically calm bride emailed me a bride on crack email. It was 47.3 questions in one paragraph.

And crazy question bride strikes again, "When I walk down the aisle, will someone direct me where to go?"
She got me good. 1 minute later she emailed me, "GOTCHA!" I about pee'd my pants I was laughing so hard.

I love being a wedding planner. And I just adore my clients! You girls are great :)