Friday, 23 July 2010

Photographer Tastes the Cake

Today was a fun cake tasting.  Actually, I haven't been to a cake tasting that wasn't fun, but that's beside the point.  The hour at Ella's cakes today was with Photographer Bride & Groom. This is what I caught on twitter just after we sent them the message about their cake tasting at Ella's Cakes today:
and so, today he didn't photograph Daniella's beautiful cakes (as seen here and here).
Photographer Bride & Groom tasting the cake

Today the photographers ate the cake.  So how was is different than our typical bride & groom? It was funny to see "the professionals" struggle a bit with being the client they always wish to have.  The client that allows the professionals to do what they do best and trust that we as professionals always have our clients best interests in mind.  Photographer bride & groom did though, because they do know.  And because they are trusting- they'll have an amazing cake they love.