Monday, 19 July 2010

Unique Invitation idea for the "other parties"

One of my favorite things about getting married is that there are usually several parties leading up to the big day.  I love the styling and planning behind all of them.  I was away from the studio the last couple weeks freshening up and taking a short break and of course I've come back with a million ideas.

This 1st one came to me in the check out line at Ikea.  I know, kind of odd (normal for me).  But you never know where you'll find inspiration.  So I found this set of wooden serving utensils at the "gotcha" bin; you know that bin that's impossible to pass up.  How cute is this set I turned into an invitation to a seaside potluck picnic lunch? Perfect for a casual affair, perhaps a picnic or brunch.  Or even a dinner party.  All you need to do to make it a bit more formal is replace the packing tape with a beautiful silk ribbon and mail the set in a pretty box.

Super Simple DIY:
  1. Buy the utensil set
  2. Use some ultra fine point sharpies to decorate and write on all the info
  3. tape together with cute packing tape from Michaels
  4. Bring to post office to have weighed and pick up the stamps
  5. Mail just as is, no envelope or box required
  6. Get ecstatic phone calls when the invitees receive their ridiculously cute invitations
Need a venue for your "other" parties? Check out this article I contributed to for Brides Florida magazine